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Feb 27, 2020

Natasha Egan from Chicago Magazine

This week Brian and Duncan take a trip to the College Art Association conference 2020 and catch up with Natasha Egan from the Museum of Contemporary Photography. This wide-ranging conversation starts with surveillance and their current exhibition “In Real Life” featuring the artists Stephanie Dinkins, Trevor...

Feb 25, 2020

The interview as it happened. Photo by Zach

Philip von Zweck speaks with Seth Brodsky about Gray Sounds, a new experimental sound and music series at the University of Chicago's Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry.  On the occasion of the inaugural Gray Sound event Seth, Philip and Zachary Cahill talk with composer Peter Ablinger about “experimental” music, his...

Feb 24, 2020

Chitty and MCA Chicago

Join Dana and Brian for a conversation with Alex Chitty, Raven Munsell and Jack Schneider, the artist and curators behind the playful and innovative exhibition Becoming the Breeze: Alex Chitty with Alexander Calder on view at the Museum of Contemporary Art through April 12th. We learn about the history of the Ruth...

Feb 17, 2020

Ashley Teamer Painting

Join us today on Bad at Sports for a special interview with artist Ashley Teamer. Teamer discusses her latest exhibition, Better Than Me, and her work documenting the female basketball team at Dillard University. We delve into Teamer’s aspirations and  motivations fueling her work, which includes a new series of...

Feb 10, 2020

Ross Sawyers Piece at Terrain 2019

The Terrain Biennial 2019. Radio Calamity...

So this was expected to be a much longer episode. Then many things no one could control happened...

Principally, it is now an interview with the Chicago based artist Ross Sawyers (who works as the Chair of Photography were Duncan works as the Chair of Art and Art History,...