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Mar 25, 2013

This week: Amanda and Richard talk to Loren Munk about his career, his paintings and his secret life as James Kalm of the Kalm Report.

The artist Loren Munk (born 1951) is a maker of contemporary paintings. He is known among New York artists primarily for his cubistic paintings of urban imagery. Munk also has...

Mar 18, 2013

This week: While at CAA Duncan was up to some funny business in his hotel room. No, no, not that, he was (with the assistance of the talented Anthea Black) interviewing the multi-talented author, filmmaker, Chris Kraus.

Kraus spent her childhood in Connecticut and New Zealand. After obtaining a BA at a young age from...

Mar 11, 2013

This week: Video games. Amanda talking about porn and boobs. People behaving badly. Oh, yeah, some art. It's after 3 AM.  I'm tired you aren't getting a huge, organized note, go and google stuff, you can do it. I am even more nasally than normal in the audio, damned airplane petri dishes.

This is a show for the...

Mar 4, 2013

This week: San Francisco checks in with dance legend Anna Halprin!!!

Anna Halprin (b. 1920) is a pioneering dancer and choreographer of the post-modern dance movement. She founded the San Francisco Dancer's Workshop in 1955 as a center for movement training, artistic experimentation, and public participatory events open...