Mar 26, 2006
Books + Food = The 7th Annual Edible Book Show at Columbia College.
Kathryn Born makes her podcast debut with an interview with Marlene
Russum Scott about the festival, and book arts in the city. -
Michelle Grabner picks up the critical torch in her "Art Papers"
article. - Reviews a plenty: Some are kinda...
Mar 19, 2006
Reviews galore! We go to 92 shows in Pilsen with Liz Armstrong, we
appear live without a net at the Steppenwold Theater for the Third
Coast Festival and Chicago Public Radio, Brian Andrews reviews
Scott Reader and other stuff, Amanda and Duncan review more stuff,
and Amanda talks about going to NYC and what she saww...
Mar 12, 2006
We interview Alison Ruttan and talk about her show at Monique
Meloche and lots and lots of talk about bonobos and why a bonobo is
*not* a monkey. Brian Andrews turns off his mind relaxes and floats
down stream at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Ecstasy: In and
About Altered States show. Jeff Ward talks about The CORE...
Mar 5, 2006
- Jeff Ward, Shannon Stratton interviewed, Michael Miller, and the "Made in China" show at the Museum of Contemporary Photography reviewed. - ALSO LIVE WITHOUT A NET, Bad at Sports that the Steppenwolf garage theater this Wednesday the 8th as a part of the NPR, Third Coast Festival, Listen Room series. Come throw rocks...