This week: Richard talks to Terry Scrogum,
Executive Director of the Illinois Arts Council about the state of
the budget, their programs and more!
Next, Kathryn Born talks to Theaster Gates. Theaster Gates is a Chicago
artist and University of Chicago faculty member who works with
everything from executing ideas in urban planning, to Japanese
sculpture, to performance art. He recently did "Temple Exercises"
in the 12 X 12 space at the MCA, and among his upcoming projects is
the possibility of buying an entire block on the south side.
This project may someday include, among other things,
a Soul Food-Japanese fusion restaurant which serves honey
dipped, crunchy fried mac-and-cheese unagi rolls and Saki
About the Podcast
Bad At Sports is a weekly podcast about contemporary art. Founded in 2005, focuses on presenting the practices of artists, curators, critics, dealers, various other arts professionals through an online audio format.